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Welcome to Daventry Road Runners

Daventry Road Runners are a friendly, all-inclusive running club based in Daventry, Northamptonshire and have been around in our modern form for over twenty years. We’re very much a community club offering training sessions and coaching in a safe and supportive environment.


We love to welcome new runners of all ages and abilities and currently have close to 200 members. So, whether you’re chasing a new personal best, looking to improve your fitness or would just like to enjoy the social aspect, then you’ve come to the right place.


We have club runs on most evenings throughout the week, which offer a variety of sessions including interval training, hill repeats, group paced runs and more, all organised by our qualified run leaders. We also offer additional off-road trail runs, track sessions and regular social activities for members, including club breakfasts, evenings out as well as social runs. Feel free to try us out for up to four club run sessions before joining.


Want to know more? We’re a friendly bunch, so please feel free to come and speak to us if you see us out and about, or get in touch using our online enquiry form.

Useful links​


Daventry Road Runners are a England Athletics affiliated club and comply with their policies & procedures. 


UK Athletics and HCAF Adult Safeguarding Policy (


UK Athletics and HCAF Adult Safeguarding Procedures (


Codes-of-conduct-booklet.pdf (


UK Athletics and HCAF Safeguarding Regulations (


Covid-19 Policy

Meet your Committee


Daniel Clarke

Club Chairman

Daniel recently resumed his role as Club Chairman after a short break and has been a huge part of the club in recent years. His passion for running is unmatched, as is his love for cake and making spreadsheets.


Samantha Prentice

Club Secretary

Sam joins the committee this year taking over from Becky as Club Secretary. Sam is a fun an bubbly member of the club who always snsures the club sessions are very enjoyable.


Nadine Gray


As well as being club treasurer, Nadine is also our mad marathoner. On a mission to join the 100 marathon club, she's entering every long distance event she can find. And when not running herself, she's also one of our run leaders.


John Sach

Membership Secretary

John has been on the committee for a number of years now and does a lot of hard work behind the scenes. As well as being Membership Secretary, John is also a run leader and responsible for the club newsletter.


Tracy Bax

Club Development

Tracy was voted our Club Member of the year last year, which goes to show just how well loved and respected she is. Having only been with the club a short time, she has already taken on the responsibility of run leader and now Club Development.


Jack De Bokx

Run Leader Co-ordinator

Jack has stepped into the role of Run Leader Co-ordinator this year and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience as both an athlete and a coach. Jack also enjoys triathalons and is a coach at Rugby Triathalon Club.


David Prentice

Website and Social Media

Since joining the club, David has made tremendous progress with his running, collecting PB after PB. This year he attended his first Endure24 event and came away with a 1st place trophy. David is also helping keep the website up to date.



Club Captain

The role of club captain is currently vacant. If you're interested in helping organise some club events and parkrun take overs, or feel like you have more to offer then please get in touch with any of the committee members.

Supporting Roles


Deb Sach

Welfare Officer

Debs is one of the club's biggest supporters – always on hand to take a pre-race photo and cheer everyone through the finish line. This year Debs has very kindly taken the role of welfare officer in a non-committee capacity.



Wellfare Officer

We are on the lookout for a second welfare officer to work alongside Debs. This role comes with a committee position. If you are interested in finding out more about the requirements of the role, please speak to one of the committee members.


David Packer

Club Merchandise

David has been heavily involved in the running of the club for several years now. He successfully ran our Club Ready programme which has introduced many new members to our sessions. David is now responsible for all club merchandise.



Social Secretary

We are currently looking for someone to fill the role of Social Secretary. This position is responsible for organising the Club Awards Night, Christmas Meal as well as some smaller social events throughout the year.

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