At Daventry Road Runners we offer a variety of sessions to suit all runners. We aim to put sessions on most evenings throughout the week and even at the weekend, sometimes with an optional breakfast. Please check ClubPal to see what's coming up and to book your place.
Our sessions are lead by our team of qualified run leaders and are designed to be suitable for all abilities. The run leader will arrange the meeting point and organise the route, which is explained to everyone at the beginning of the session. With around 25+ runners per session, you'll find there's always someone of similar pace to run with and we make sure no-one gets left behind.
To attend a session you must book in advance using our ClubPal app. Sessions are for members only, however if you are new and interested in joining the club, you are welcome to attend up to 4 sessions for free. Please fill out the form on our contact page and our membership secretary will be in touch with details on how to register.

Club Run Leader Sessions

Types of runs we offer
Off-road trail runs – Through the summer months on a Monday evenings we have our Trail Runs. This allows runners to experience a bit of off road running around the countryside and trails of Daventry and surrounding villages. These runs vary in distance from 5/6 miles up to approximately 10 miles. This is a group run where everyone sticks together – perfect for beginners and seasoned trail runners alike.
Club Sessions – Our Club Training Sessions are on most weekday evenings and are designed to help members improve by focussing on different aspects of running, such as Hill Repeats, Interval Training and Paced Runs. We try and make sure that at least one session per week is a fun, social run with no pressure on pace or distance. Runs tend to be around 4 to 6 miles and again are suitable for all abilities.
Track Sessions – We hire Daventry Athletics track every other Monday to do some interval / speed training. These sessions are great no matter what pace you run at, as the faster runners can just do more laps.
Other – Our members regularly organise group runs through our Facebook page that are additional to our club sessions. These are great when you want some company on your runs and for catching up with fellow members.
Need a new route to run?​
If you're unfamiliar with our more regular routes or you're looking for somewhere new to run, here's a few ideas for you to try:

Staverton Loop
Starting from Staverton Sports Park, exit the car park and proceed across the roundabout onto the Grange. Follow the road around to the right and go up and over the 'Curly Wurly' bridge. Cross the road and follow the path along the A425 to Staverton Village. Wind your way through the village or join straight onto Badby Lane. Follow the lane past some very large houses to the end before turning left onto the A361. Go straight over the flyover and then left back down onto the Grange. Turn left again and follow the road back to the Sports Park.

Norton Loop
Starting from the car park, run down Borough Hill and turn right at the bottom following Admirals Way round the Southbrook. Just before the roundabout join the footpath and head up the hill towards Norton. Take the first right as you enter the village and then keep right as the road forks. After a couple of hills, turn right and follow the path through the fields. Keep going straight until you emerge onto the A45. Take a right back towards Daventry and then right again through the industrial estate. Cut through behind the petrol station and head back up to Borough Hill.

DRR Winter Route
Starting from the Icon Building, head onto the Blackpath where the parkrun starts. Follow the path all the way along across Shackleton Drive and turn left at the end onto Heartland Business Park. Turn right and proceed to do a loop of the industrial estate. Head back along Brunel Close, cut through the trees and continue along Lamport Drive. At the end of the road turn right and head up the hill, taking the first left back towards the Blackpath. Again, cut through the trees and head back along the path in the opposite direction to which you came, until you return to the Icon Building.
We want your feedback!
We are keen to make sure our club run leader sessions are as fun and enjoyable as possible, whilst at the same time helping to improve your running, which is why we want to hear your thoughts.
If you've been to a club session recently, please spare a couple of minutes to fill in our feedback form, letting us know what you liked or didn't like about the session and if there's anything you think we can do to improve the session for next time.
Also, if you haven't been able to attend a session yet, we would still like you input. Maybe you'd prefer a session on a different day or in a different location, we'd love to hear your ideas.